College Degrees Descending to Ascending

College Degrees Descending to Ascending

College degrees generally have two classes or types which are undergraduate and graduate. In this course of our article here we will try as much as possible to explore the equivalent of each certificate in every country in order to help you in your choice of degrees you will get.

Undergraduate degree

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  • Associate degree
  • NCE
  • OND
  • HND
  • Bachelor’s degree

Thou we will explain two of the major undergraduate degrees while we will try to cheap in some information about the others while explaining their equivalent in the two.

  1. Associate degree

It takes two years to get this certificate, in a Junior, community or technical institutes.  Associate degree programs is divided into two categories which is occupational degree which awards Associate of Applied Science (AAS) this program is aimed at building your careers.

The second type is transfer degree which can take you to a 4-year college, this awards associate of Arts (AS)and Associate of Science (AS). Thou most countries award in their associate degrees’ certificate like NCE, OND etc. which has also their own duration too.

  1. Bachelor’s degree

The duration of this degree is four years except for few programs with higher years of study, and it is done in a senior college or a four year college.  Bachelor’s degree is of two major types Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Bachelor of Arts (BA).  Bachelor’s degree prepares you to fit into a job with confidence.

  1. Graduate Degree

Graduate degree is also divided into two major types like Masters and Doctorate degree. This degree is aimed at making her students experts or specialist in their fields. To get admitted into this program you will write a graduate record exam. Graduate degrees makes you stand out in your work environment.

  1. Master’s Degrees

Master’s degree is one of the highest degree in college system, having a master’s degree makes you an authority in that field.  It also has two major types Masters of Science (MSc) and Masters of Arts (MA) , thou most business schools award an MBA which is master of Business Administration.  Master’s degree distinguishes you as an authority which is why in your thesis dissertation you’re encouraged to apply all you have learnt so far in the program to mark on the field of study.

  1. Doctorate degree

This is the highest degree, it is popularly known as Doctor of philosophy PhD.  This degree lasts about 3-4 years.  This certificate aims at preparing students to take up a career in the academic environment. This period is more of research and requires focus and commitment.

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Professional degrees

This certificate is different from the conventional degrees which are Bachelor of Arts and science, it is specific to a particular field like Medicine, where they’re awarded MD, MBBS or law where they’re awarded LLB.  Other professional degrees are Doctor of Optometry (O.D).  In those field that awards professional degrees their students can also get masters and doctorate degrees too.

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